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Learn how to specify types for variables, function parameters, and return values.
get familiar with basic types like string, number, boolean, null, undefined, and any.
In TypeScript, type inference is the process by which TypeScript automatically determines the type of a variable, parameter, or return value without explicit type annotations.
Typescript Basic Configurations: Set up a simple TypeScript project and understand tsconfig.json basics.
In TypeScript, Union and Intersection types are powerful tools for creating flexible and precise type definitions.
In TypeScript, interfaces and type aliases are two ways to define the shape of an object, but they have some differences and specific use cases.
In TypeScript, optional properties in interfaces allow you to define properties that are not strictly required when implementing the interface. Optional properties are beneficial for flexibility, enabling you to create objects with only some properties defined while still complying with the interface.
In TypeScript, immutability can be enforced for certain types by using readonly properties and const declarations.
In TypeScript, you can define types for functions by specifying the types of their parameters and their return types
Mastering TypeScript generics is an essential skill for creating reusable and type-safe components, especially in a frontend development context like React.
In TypeScript, generic constraints allow you to enforce certain rules on generic types, making your type definitions more precise and your code safer.
In TypeScript, mapped types allow you to create new types by transforming properties in an existing type.
TypeScript's Conditional Types provide a way to perform type-level computations using a ternary-like syntax.
TypeScript provides a set of utility types that help manipulate types in various ways, making it easier to write flexible and reusable code.